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Intellectual property rights

The information on this website may be changed without notice and cannot be considered, in whatever way, as an engagement on behalf of UPC-BVK.
The contents of this website including, among other things, the brands, models, logos, texts and images are the property of UPC-BVK and are protected under the Law of June 30, 1994 on copyright and related rights as well as under other regulations that apply.
It is strictly forbidden to have the contents of this document reproduced, by whatever means, either by a third party or at its request, without prior and written permission from UPC-BVK.
None of the elements in this document can be considered as a licence, in the broadest sense, nor as a right, in the broadest sense, to make use of the material owned by UPC-BVK, with the exception of the limited licence for downloading or printing some parts of this website for personal and
non-commercial use.

Limited liability

UPC-BVK does not grant any legal or commercial guarantee as for the contents and technology described in this document, although UPC-BVK has pledged itself to do its utmost in order to ensure that the information contained in this document will be correct.
Consequently, the technology is provided on an ‘as is’ basis without any guarantee whatsoever, either implicit or explicit, including the market value guarantee or guarantee for the adequacy to reach a particular purpose. UPC-BVK does not provide any guarantee nor does it take any legal liability for the exactness, completeness or usefulness of any of the information, products or procedures as described.
Within the limits of the legal provisions that apply, neither UPC-BVK nor its members, managers, staff workers or agents can be held liable by a third party for the damages (including direct, indirect, subsequent, special and penal damages and profit losses) that may be caused by the use of the technology as described on the website.

Competent jurisdiction and applicable law

These provisions are regulated and must be interpreted in accordance with Belgian law. The Brussels courts are the sole jurisdictions competent for settling any conflict pertaining to the use of this document.

Privacy Policy

UPC-BVK takes utmost care in processing personal data that have been gathered on internet. UPC-BVK will make any effort that is necessary to guarantee your right to privacy.
UPC-BVK applies the professional code of conduct for the use of personal data.

Gathering and processing personal data

When you are consulting the UPC-BVK website, you may be asked to provide personal data if you ask for an offer, sign an insurance contract. our data will also be registered when you log in to some of the headings.
This data registration should help us identify you the next time you will be consulting our website.

Using cookies

What is a cookie ?

A cookie is a small text file that can be stored on your computer when you visit websites. Information is saved in this text file, such as your choice of language on a website. When you visit the website later again, this cookie returns to the concerned website. In this way, the website recognizes your browser and can for example retain your choice of language.

Cookies usually also have an expiration date. For example, some cookies are automatically deleted when you close your browser (so-called session cookies), while others can be stored longer on your computer, sometimes until you delete them manually (so-called permanent cookies).

Why we use cookies ?

There are several types of cookies:

Essential cookies

These cookies are necessary for purely technical reasons when surfing on the website. Given the technical necessity, a simple information is enough and these cookies are saved as soon as you access the website.

Functional cookies

These cookies can not be refused if you want to surf on this website but they are saved only after the user's choice.

Analytical cookies

You can decline these cookies if you want to surf on this website.

How can I see which cookies are installed on my device and how can I remove them?

If you want to know which cookies are installed on your device or if you want to delete them, you can use a setting in your browser. You will find more explanations on how to proceed via the links below.




Internet Explorer

Firefox (mobile)

Chrome (mobile)

Safari (mobile)

Microsoft Edge

That is the general procedure but in the case of the present site you can simply click on the configuration link appearing at the bottom of each page.

Your data and your rights

The Belgian Law of 8 December 1992 on privacy protection gives you the right to take a look at your personal data and to correct them, if necessary.
Moreover, you may oppose the use of your data for commercial or promotional purposes without any cost being charged. If you want to use your rights, you have to send a letter (together with a copy of your identity card) to :

rue d’Arlon 82
1040 Brussels

Additional information can be provided by the Privacy Protection Commission, boulevard de Waterloo 115 B, 1000 Brussels.